My first project was recovering and painting an old toy box that Kiera and I shared when we were little. My dad actually carved the legs himself. I wish I had a "before" picture. It was a very nice toy box when Kiera and I were little, but it was looking pretty dingy when I got it. The cushy top that was once pink, had turned brown/pink and there were crayon scribbles all over the front and sides of the toy box, not to mention a few gouges here and there. Anyway, I recovered the top with minkie (I don't even know how to spell it!), repainted the wood and then hand painted some little flowers on the sides. I think it turned out pretty good!

I found this idea at Ben Franklins as well. All you do is cut out a piece of paper to fit the clock, take the face of the clock off as well as the hands, and then mod podge the paper on. I used flowers instead of numbers, but you can use the number stickers. Then you just put everything back together and you have a cute little clock. I got my clock at wal mart for like, $5.

My most recent project has been making these cute little shoes. I'm sort of obsessed. I LOVE fabric! It is so fun/dangerous for me to go into a fabric store and look at all the patterns. I'm the same way with paper!
I only have one little pair of boy shoes for my nephew, but I am planning to make more. I made some for a girl that Matt works with. She has a little boy. They were so cute and I wish I would have taken a picture. They were red and dark blue. The blue fabric was kind of a cowboy bandanna pattern. Anyway, it has been really fun learning how to sew. HARD, but fun!