Addy's 11 month list.
1. Addy can stand by herself for several seconds....if she doesn't realize she's doing it. I think it freaks her out a little!
2. She took her first steps two days ago! She was grinning from ear to ear when we cheered for her.
3. She can turn light switches on and off.
4. She is a great hugger!
5. Pulling bows and headbands out of her hair used to be one of her favorite things to do. Today I noticed that after pulling her bow out of her hair, she tried to put it back in!
6. Addy insists on using her spoon herself! She is very independent!

7. Her favorite snack is cheerios.
8. If she hears someone laughing, she likes to join in.
9. She loves to cuddle with her platypus.

10. She likes to "talk" on her play phone. The other day she was holding her little phone up to her ear and attempting to say "hello", it sounded more like "ahho". So cute!

11. She recently cut her first top front tooth.