Sunday, June 19, 2011

18 Months

Addy is now 18 months old. Yahoo! That means nursery! I have been looking forward to her being able to go to nursery for a couple of months now. It's not that I'm desperate to have time away from her. That couldn't be further from the truth. I love my time with her. I'm just happy that she has a place to play. It's hard for a little toddler to get through one meeting, let alone three! She get's so cranky and we spend pretty much all of our time in the hall. She had her first day in nursery a couple of weeks ago and she did pretty well. She got pretty attached to one of the nursery leaders and had a fit when she left the room for a minute, but calmed down when she got back. Addy has a tendency to get attached to certain people really quickly. She isn't like this with everyone, she just knows when she really likes a person I guess. She was sick last week and we had stake conference this week, so we will see how she does the second time around!
For some time now, Addy has been in-love with the phone. She loves so talk to daddy while he's at work. I thought I would put up a little clip of her talking on the phone.

Addy has also started "reading" to herself. It's so funny to watch her jibber-jabber and flip through the pages. Every now and then I'll hear something recognizable like an animal sound or name. She knows most of her farm animals and is currently obsessed with the song "Old McDonald Had A Farm". Matt found a little clip on youtube with cartoons and animal pictures that go along with the song. She loves it! She gets the biggest smile on her face and chimes in when she knows the words. She could probably watch it all day if I let her! As I have mentioned in previous entries, Addy LOVES to dance! She used to move her hips a lot, but now it's evolved into hand movements, twirling and wiggling. I tried to upload a little clip of her dancing and watching Old McDonald, but for some reason it isn't working! I'll have to try again in another post.


Amanda said...

That video is so cute. Just mimicking mom! haha. Love the jibber-jabber.