Tuesday, December 13, 2011

First Smile

Brayden is 1 month old! When he was three weeks old, he smiled at me for the first time. Three weeks is pretty young for a first smile, but it was a real one. He looked right at me and smiled in response to my smile. He is smiling more and more often now. Last night he finally smiled at Matt and it was a big one. I was fortunate enough to get a good picture of it too!


Kristina said...

He is so cute! Hope you guys are doing well.

Mike and Wendy said...

You deserve it! Mom said he doesn't let you sleep much! :( And you do spell it 'Brayden', right?

Jen said...

Yes, it's spelled "Brayden". I guess that's a good indication of how much sleep I have been getting lately. I can't spell anymore!